Piano Christmas Songs Book 1
For Young Beginners & Enthusiastic Learners Colorful, attractive illustrations and informative musical terms throughout the contents of the book
For Young Beginners & Enthusiastic Learners Colorful, attractive illustrations and informative musical terms throughout the contents of the book
For Young Beginners & Enthusiastic Learners Colorful, attractive illustrations and informative musical terms throughout the contents of the book
For Young Beginners & Enthusiastic Learners Colorful, attractive illustrations and informative musical terms throughout the contents of the book
For Young Beginners & Enthusiastic Learners Colorful, attractive illustrations and informative musical terms throughout the contents of the book
SCHIMMEL 直立式鋼琴 C121T TRADITION 清澈通透 彈奏鋼琴,傾聽音樂之美。法國權威音樂期刊Le Monde de la Musique (《音樂世界》)將Schimmel Classic(經典)系列的C121型立式鋼琴評為“代表著名的德國傳統鋼琴製造工藝的作品...
檢視完整細節SCHIMMEL 直立式鋼琴 C126T TRADITION 完美的比例 “黃金比例”的原理,用在鋼琴設計,會有什麼樣的效果呢?答案就是這款協調完美的Schimmel Classic(經典)系列的C126型立式鋼琴。在藝術和建築學的範疇,黃金比例會產生理想的視覺效果,被視為和諧美的...